When I went to the Catholic school I was told to Audit Chemistry II. I could have taken Art III with another girl who transferred before me instead of Calculus APH. My English teacher told me I was a good writer, but I only got a 3 on the AP test, to be expected. She was married to a Religion teacher who did choir, where I accompanied. We had masses in the gym maybe once a month. I drove to practice. I drove out about every night. Monday, band, which was just made that year, and my college piano teacher when I was a piano major was related to the band teacher, who had a daughter in the band who was a freshman. The girls from my ballet school transferred after we left and became friends. They all had blonde hair, the people they made friends with, I think, primarily. The band teacher's daughter had crimped hair. Just for the f.y.i. on what's on my mind right now. Once, I also lost my way on the way to band, 1 1|2 hours, which is a long time, not sure how I stood it.
So, when I went to school up north, during a hurricane, they withdrew me when I stopped attending class after something happened to me kinda serious the day before the history test, which I could not take, just couldn't get into it.
The Jesuit school in New Orleans I went to gave me the withdrawals later. If I take the classes here, I can get grade forgiveness, at the regular community college, though I had to ask.
So, when I took Chemistry in college my 3rd year, the lab was easy. I struggled with an Asian teacher in Biology, a lady. Physics lab was so cool! I was a Chemistry Pre-Med major for Psychiatry. So, I signed up for Chemistry II in high school since it fit my schedule and I changed schools. They didn't have it when I went to school the year before, needed 1 more person.